You’ve probably seen them. Those reports, news articles, public comments questioning the usefulness of social science degrees like anthropology. They always make this three-anthropology-degree holder feel very warm and fuzzy. But I’d like to take a moment to argue a defense for anthropology. A strong one. As my students in Applying Anthropology are learning, there are so many ways anthropology can be used, an endless list of industries that can benefit from an anthropological infusion. I have a list here of excellent examples where a synthesis between anthropology and another field produces unparalleled results.
About me:
I am an anthropology professor, writer, researcher and global traveler. In fall of 2021, I led an experiential eLearning project connecting US students (and public) with the people, places, and industries of Greenland. I redesigned a research trip into a virtual field trip for my students who didn't have any Study Abroad options. All of the videos, photos, interviews, and storytelling are still here to enjoy! Categories